Community Outreach
The Northwest Florida Ballet participates in various community outreach initiatives, including performances for local special needs groups and providing curriculum for educators.
The Northwest Florida Ballet participates in various community outreach initiatives, including performances for local special needs groups and providing curriculum for educators.
NFB celebrates National Arts in Education Week, which recognizes the transformative power of the arts in education. Passed by Congress in 2010, House Resolution 275 designates the week that follows the second Sunday of September as National Arts in Education Week. Use the links below to learn more about why arts matter to Florida and the top 10 reasons to support the arts.
Our school and special needs sensory performances are available during our main stage productions each season. We also offer Teacher Performance Guides, which provide information and resources for classes preparing to attend an NFB production.
Click the button below to download the Teacher Guide for our most recent production.
Our country faces an issue of access due to local control and school-based decision-making. Therefore, we work to secure equity in access to arts education and articulate the role of the arts as a pathway to success for all, specifically in the education of students of color, students in rural communities, students who are classified as low-SES, English Language Learners, or those who require special education.
Arts education supports the social and emotional wellbeing of students. The arts, with their strong emphasis on team building and self-reflection, are supremely suited to re-ignite students’ interest in learning through collaboration while simultaneously fostering creativity, critical thinking, and communication.
Arts education nurtures the creation of a welcoming school environment where students can express themselves in a safe and positive way. Celebrating our ability to come together as educators and students is vital to creating a healthy and inclusive school community.